Since alcohol dependency slows neurogenesis, or brain development, sobriety has the opposite effect. The hippocampus, along with its reversal of atrophy, also sees new brain cell growth, though this doesn’t happen immediately. The limbic system, a collection of structures deep within the brain, controls our emotions and memories and includes the hippocampus, the hypothalamus and the thalamus. The thalamus passes messages between the spinal cord and the cerebral hemispheres. In 1973, Solomon Snyder, M.D., director of neuroscience at Johns Hopkins, and his then-graduate student Candace Pert, put a solid foundation under the new theory of addiction by finding receptors for opium in the brain.
This research is expected to reveal new neurobiological targets, leading to new medications and non-pharmacological treatments—such as transcranial magnetic stimulation or vaccines—for the treatment of substance use disorders. A better understanding of the neurobiological mechanisms underlying substance use disorders could also help to inform behavioral interventions. Decades of research demonstrate that chronic substance misuse leads to profound disruptions of brain circuits involved in the experience of pleasure or reward, habit formation, stress, and decision-making.
Special Health Reports
Other drugs of abuse such as psychostimulants (i.e., amphetamine, cocaine) and nicotine are not discussed here but are described in other recent reviews (DiFranza and Wellman 2007; Kalivas 2007; Rebec 2006). The advances made over these first 40 years have enriched understanding of alcoholism from a neuroscience perspective and have expanded concepts of neuroplasticity in the human brain. The innovations enabling discoveries also have generalized to other areas of neuroscience, exemplified by our understanding of neural degradation with chronic alcoholism and repair with sobriety. Original concepts of brain structure modification were unidirectional—that is, degradation occurred with age or disease without the chance of neuronal regeneration. Now, evidence supports the possibility of neurogenesis as part of a repair process (Nixon and Crews 2004) or at least for creating a milieu for repair of cell bodies and their processes. A greater understanding of this process is emerging following the identification, for example, of altered myelin repair gene expression in the frontal cortex of alcoholics (Liu et al. 2006).
The desire for reward ultimately becomes a prison from which it is difficult—but not impossible—to escape. But, unlike in disease, the brain changes that occur in addiction are not a malfunction of biology. Rather, the changes reflect the brain’s normal processes of changeability—called neuroplasticity—its capacity to change in response to every-day experience, which is the basis of all learning. Unlike other organs, the brain is designed to change, because its mission is to keep us alive, and in order to safeguard us, it needs to be able to detect and respond to the ever-changing dynamics of the real world.
Use of Multiple Substances and Co-occurring Mental Health Conditions
Others are excitatory, meaning that they stimulate neuronal function, priming it to send signals to other neurons. These effects account for the euphoric or intensely pleasurable feelings that people experience during their initial use of alcohol or other substances, and these feelings motivate people to use those substances again and again, despite the risks for significant harms. Continuing to drink despite clear signs of significant impairments can result in an alcohol overdose. An alcohol overdose occurs when there is so much alcohol in the bloodstream that areas of the brain controlling basic life-support functions—such as breathing, heart rate, and temperature control—begin to shut down. Symptoms of alcohol overdose include mental confusion, difficulty remaining conscious, vomiting, seizure, trouble breathing, slow heart rate, clammy skin, dulled responses (such as no gag reflex, which prevents choking), and extremely low body temperature.
The brain is a complex organ that can adapt to many stressors and circumstances, a concept known as neuroplasticity. People are resilient creatures, and alcohol vs drugs the body and brain were designed to be able to heal themselves. Certain forms of treatment can augment this process and enhance neurological recovery.
Neurobiological Effects of Recovery
For example, alcohol is considered a brain depressant, and it is possible to kill yourself with alcohol. 13Enkaphalins are endogenous compounds that bind to opioid receptors and are involved in regulating pain. 12Medium spiny neurons are inhibitory and play a key role in initiating controlling movements of the body, limbs, and eyes. 10Tonic release means that GABA constantly is being released from the terminals, even without electrical stimulation. In dependent animals, tonic release is “increased,” meaning that the amount of GABA released is greater than in nondependent animals. 6Neuromodulators are similar to neurotransmitters and change the way neurons react to those neurotransmitters.
Information travels around this network 24 hours a day, allowing the brain to direct all the conscious and unconscious activities in the body. Everything from composing a symphony to deciding what to eat for dinner requires complex calculations carried out in the brain. We invite healthcare professionals including physicians, physician assistants, nurses, pharmacists, and psychologists to complete a post-test after reviewing this article to earn FREE continuing education (CME/CE) credit.
Development of Addiction
Injecting illicit drugs also can lead to cardiovascular problems, such as collapsed veins and bacterial infections of the blood vessels and heart valves. Some drugs such as statins can affect the Liver Enzymes and cause Liver damage, which is usually minor. Taking drugs can affect the pancreas badly if you keep using these drugs, it can result in inflammation leading to symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, stomach pain, and tachycardia. There may be many severe instances of inflammation before the condition progresses to chronic pancreatitis. If someone can stop drinking or taking drugs completely, the brain begins to heal.
For example, some drugs, such as marijuana and heroin, have a similar structure to chemical messengers, called neurotransmitters, which are naturally produced by the brain. These drugs can fool the brain's receptors and activate nerve cells to send abnormal messages because of this similarity. Other drugs, such as cocaine or methamphetamine, can cause the nerve cells to release abnormally large amounts of natural neurotransmitters or prevent the regular recycling of these brain chemicals, which is needed to shut off the signal between neurons. This disruption produces a greatly amplified message that results in a different type of high.
δ-Opioid Receptor
A substantial body of research has accumulated over several decades and transformed our understanding of substance use and its effects on the brain. This knowledge has opened the door to new ways of thinking about prevention and treatment of substance use disorders. Pleasure or euphoria—the high from drugs—is still poorly understood, but probably involves surges of chemical signaling compounds including the body’s natural opioids (endorphins) and other neurotransmitters in parts of the basal ganglia (the reward circuit). When some drugs are taken, they can cause surges of these neurotransmitters much greater than the smaller bursts naturally produced in association with healthy rewards like eating, hearing or playing music, creative pursuits, or social interaction. Drugs interfere with the way neurons send, receive, and process signals via neurotransmitters. Some drugs, such as marijuana and heroin, can activate neurons because their chemical structure mimics that of a natural neurotransmitter in the body.